
Don't know is that because this odd weather or something, I'm in low spirit today.
JuTsen is probably caused by physical reason, Ricky is maybe his son caugh a cold.

I went to Lu's parents' house and watched TV with him, his bro, and Jacky.
This is thier routine activity for Sat. night.
We just watch TV and have some meaningless chat onece a while.
It's very relaxing and that's just what I need the most.
Lu said that I have some problem recently, but he doesn't know what that is.
Well, I hope he can know what that is and tell me.

JuTsen is so right about my situation.
I need to move out, but it's almost impossible for me.
I'm so sick of these repeatedly useless argue.
We do this communications over and over again, but it only works for one or two times after that.
So tired of them...When will we finish this onece for all???

Anyway, don't think to much. There are many callenges that I'm excited about.
All I have to do is focus on them that are controllable for me.

    創作者 isa13 的頭像

    La Vita é Bella 在生活中發掘那許多小小幸福每天就會像度假一般喔~ ^ ^

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