No matter what were we, where are we or how will we be, thanks for your company and support during those turbulent days.

As you had described, an individual matter will never go away form my mind untill I feel right.

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Today's policy is still "clam".
It's really works very well, ha ha, no one came to bother me at all, but seemed he wasquestioned closely since last night. hehe
Basically  it's another normal crazy busy day.

isa13 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Maybe I should say suprise but it's really more like a shock to me.
Although I had informed previously last night, but still in a flat spin when I was broadcast to get it.

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There are only three more days before Chinese New Year Vacation.
Tonight, have to take mom and brothers to buy thier clothe and shoes.
JT's fare-well party will be at tomorrow night, 2/15(Thu.).

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isa13 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Feb. 04 (Sun.) : make chocolate truffles--5 for each one, estimate quantity--300 pieces
Feb. 05 (Mon.) : take cellphone to pocket family, buy ticket
Feb. 06 (Tue.) : the last softball night before New Year Vacation, bring 15
allotments of chocolate along

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